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Allied Earthmovers News

I must firstly congratulate Wayne for producing the 50th edition of Australian Earthmoving Magazine. It seems like yesterday that Wayne started the magazine and is now in its 9th year of publication and continues to inform and entertain thousands of readers Australia wide.

Who knew there was so much to talk about in the Earthmoving Industry? The Golden Bucket Allied Earthmovers Association has been a part of the Australian Earthmoving magazine team since its inception in 2011 and has contributed over 30,000 words so we must have covered many topics.

But the topic we are most commonly asked about is the benefits of being a member of Allied Earthmovers. So, we will take the opportunity this edition to have a recap of the benefits:

Firstly, at Allied Earthmovers Association, we will keep you informed on the information you need to run your small earthmoving business. However, we will not just send you the information you need and leave you to sort it out alone. We are not just an on-line information site. We will sit with you face to face or have a phone meeting to go through any paperwork you may be having trouble with. We will also invite the experts to meetings to talk to you face to face so you can put your hand up to clarify your own particular queries. Face to face gatherings allow you to speak with like-minded colleagues and owner operators about the issues that affect you all. An opportunity to let off steam away from home to someone that understands exactly where you are coming from is a luxury that is not available to all. And of course, while having a good ole’ fashioned rant, you will also be listening, learning, rationalising and gearing up to deal with the latest issue.

Then, once you are a member of Allied Earthmovers and have taken advantage of our insurance, WHS documents, training, accounts assistance and trading post facility you will also see the other benefits we have to offer. Our WorkShare system is a simple, yet effective system to share work overload and shortages. It has helped many members look after their customers during busy times or breakdowns and provided work opportunities during quiet times.

And the community and social aspect is great fun. Our members have been involved in some great Charity Field Days, usually donating time and equipment rather than money. Our Annual Awards Day is also a highlight for the Association members and a good opportunity for members and families to get together in a social context as are our monthly meetings.

If you’ve made the resolution to make a New Year’s Resolution, and you’re an owner operator of earthmoving equipment, why not give us a call? 02 4732 5233 or 0416 110 024.

Congratulations again to Wayne and the team for reaching their 50th edition milestone and may your magazine reach great heights in the years to come.

Ann Callaghan – General Manager, Golden Bucket Allied Earthmovers Association


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